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Tut Episode 2 (amazon) - Review

Hello again. Welcome to Episode 2 (or 1.2) Where the series starts where it left us. With a bleeding Pharoh, basically dying, being left on the battlefield. So, of course Horemhab just leaves him there...and convinces the BFF to leave him too..? Leaving your dead on the battlefield and not properly burying them is against Egyptian beliefs. (It also goes against Mesopotamia beliefs). When a person dies the proper rituals need to be conducted, i.e. mummification, mouth-opening-rituals and the burial itself. If these things were not conducted correctly, or at all, the Ba and Ka (souls) are not allowed access to the underworld. Therefore they were condemned to be restless souls. So no. No Egyptian with a sense of self preservation would just leave a dead person. Unless maybe they committed a heinous crime...but even then...rather unlikely

We proceed to a victory celebration. Horemhab and the BFF return to Thebes and get a triumphal Procession...which looks very Roman.

Let’s dissect this: They wear Bay Leaf crowns, they have a large procession into the city with white flowers falling from the sky. I might not be an expert on the Military history of Ancient Egypt...but that is an inherently roman thing. I mean the Egyptians might be able to get their hands on bay leaf...but it is not native to Egypt and they are at war with almost all of Mesopotamia, where the plant originates from.

While we are at the subject of military history: IT IS NOT CONFIRMED THAT A WAR BETWEEN EGYPT HAPPENED. like at all. We do know about border disputes around this time, BUT the actual war happened under the reign of Horemhab, who followed Eje as Pharaoh. war!

Back at the palace the ‘victors’ are trying to get on the throne by marrying the Queen Anchesenamun. Anchesa is indeed the royal successor. She and Tut never had children, she is, according to the series, the only daughter left of Nefertiti and Akhenaton. So it is correct, whoever marries her will inherit the throne.

Of course she chooses her one true love, the BFF Ka. Ka, who for some reason can just walk into the Harem like it is no big deal. Original thoughts: How is he just allowed to see the queen in her chambers? Alone? That is not how Harems work!

In fact, NO man, except for children, are allowed to enter a Harem. It is a death sentence for the woman AND the man. Like stupid much! I mean he is, that is apparent.

On a side note: apparently Eje is a commoner. Maybe someone noticed…?

We jump back to our dying protagonist. I bet you forgot he exists, I did. Also Seed girl is back! Of course she saves him and heals him, because why the hell not? Of course she knows medicine, of course she is perfect. We get it. Also, apparently her grandma was some kind of witch or priestess? It is very confusing. Almost as confusing as the appearance of a priest of Sobek. In Amurru. A priest of a Nile god in a place that is far far away from the Nile. (According to google maps it is 10 days by foot...with today's roads, no bandits and modern shoes.) So, a Sobek Priest...far away from home...collecting Amurru. No, just no. Original Thoughts: WHY DID NO ONE LOOK AT A FUCKING MAP???

And my question on why no one consulted a map stays unanswered. Sad.

Tut decides to reclaim the throne, but he needs his new BFF Lagos to do that. Lagos for one, not an egyptian name. He is also white as snow with blue eyes. For someone screaming: He might be Greek, Selina, they are around the corner! No, he cannot be greek, because he is part of the Egyptian military. Yes, there were trade routes between the Mediterranean and Egypt but not extensively. Also, he probably was raised in Egypt and grew up there, him having a greek sounding name ist highly unlikely.

Back to the point: For some reason Seed Girl, who is now Tut's mistress, knows some secret passage to the Mitanni Capitol. That leads them through a desert, over the Sinai, to another desert to Giza and then all the way back. Yeah...I do not get it either. They go and rescue Snowflake and while they do, and then have to flee, we get an uncomfortable sexscene. Yaay.

While our dream trio heads into the sunset, we are left to wonder: What will happen next?

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