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Tut - mini series review (episode 1/amazon)


Tut-Episode 1

In order to critique something one is advised to first say positive things and then continue with the negatives. So let’s start with the positives

  • casting

  • costumes

The casting for the show is pretty good. Big names like Alexander Siddig (Star Trek - Deep Space Nine), Ben Kingsley (The Medicus) and Avan Jorgia (Victorious) lend themselves to the show. This results in the not-whitewashing of the series. Of course we can have a long discussion about the skincolour of the ancient egyptians. But based on paintings, the casting fits.

I would say that the costumes are rather accurate. They are modelled after the decorations in graves and temples. I was especially impressed by the crowns the pharao wore. They looked nice and were accurate.

Now, let’s get to the juicy part, shall we?

The show operates under the assumption: Tutankhamun was Akhenatons and Nefertiti's son. A mostly disputed fact. I do not want to discuss it in depth right now, but from today's perspective it is rather unlikely or better non conclusive. There will be an episode of the Podcast and blog where we will discuss this issue, but for now it is too extensive.

While we are at the topic of family bonds: the vizier Eje (Aj) is not Tutankhamun's grandfather! If, and that is a big IF, they were to refer to Eje, father of Teje, who was Akhenatons mother, then he would be his great-grandfather. That is highly unlikely. Eje would be around 90 years old. As an in-law-royal 90 is an exceptional age. So no. Eje, the vizier and later successor of the pharaoh was not his grandfather. Again I will not go into detail about Nefertiti's background and the assumption that she was a cousin/niece/sister to Teje, because it is not the subject and would take waaay too much time.

So we have now discussed the unlikely family bonds, let us talk about the bogus, inaccurat and seriously-why-did-no-one-consult-a-fucking-map locations of this show.

It begins in Thebes at the end of Akhenaten's reign. Original thoughts in my mind: Why are we in Thebes? Akhenaton built his own city in el-Armana? What?

Akhenaton built Akhetaton in el-Armana at the beginning of his co-regency with his father. After his fathers death he moved the religious centre and the state centre to his city. He eradicated the name of the other gods, especially that of Amun.Therefore it makes no, and I mean NO SENSE, that they would be in Thebes. Also Echnaton did not die there. His grave was in el-Armana and for a few years it was actually his mummy’s resting place. Also how do they know that Akhenaton was poisoned? Egyptologists do not know this. So...tell did they know?

After Tutankhamun's rise to the throne the court was moved back to Thebes. So that part is true. It is also accurate that parts of the Arabian Peninsula were part of the Egyptian Empire. One of those Lands was Amurru. Amurru lay in between the Mitanni Empire and the Hittite Empire. So, for someone to travel from somewhere in Amurru to Thebes would be a long journey. Especially to buy seeds. The show is trying to tell me that a woman, alone who cannot afford seeds in amurru travels, by herself, to Thebes to buy seeds? Why? I get this was to introduce a love interest for the main character. But WHY? Were the showrunners not capable of looking at a map? Or was making the set and costumes too expensive?

I am generally curious about that! And if everything was so expensive...where is the glitter?

The main conflict is introduced by making it seem that the pharaoh has never been seen by his people. Origianal thought while watching: How? Egyptians perfected the art of propaganda during the old Kingdom. Egypt is also at war with Mitanni. At that point in time, there is no real confirmation of this. But cool, a war. Nothing better to pass time than bloodbath….oh wait..

How about an uncomfortable sex-scene bestween Anchesenamun, the kings wife, and the kings best friend? just me? ok!

So Tutankhamun then goes off with his BFF and general Horemhab to fight the Mitanni army. Of course the general who also served under Akhenaton, is completely incompetent and without Tutankhamun he would have never won the battle. I hope you can read the eyeroll. So the show is telling its viewers that a man who has never left the palace (exempt secret visits, which no one knew about, of course) knows more about strategy than a General. Sure, I totally buy that.

Well in true main character fashion Tutankhamun, his BFF and his new sidekick (who is white as snow by the way) head into battle. And wouldn’t you believe it, the king gets wounded and passes out. What will happen next? I cannot wait to find out….

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